Royal Threads
Custom, Signature outfits delivered automatically to your home!
100% Satisfaction guarantee and hassle free returns!
Save 15-20% on every order!
No worries about your size being out of stock!
Easy & Convenient!
Total Control of your subscription-pause a delivery, skip a delivery or cancel anytime. You choose.
Get gorgeous and unique clothing automatically delivered to your home! With a subscription to "Royal Threads" you will get amazing King's Daughter Boutique pieces delivered to your front door hassle free AND at a discount! No waiting in line to purchase at the counter. No need to spend hours browsing for those perfect outfits. We will put together custom signature, beautiful, modest, and unique outfits just for you! These outfits will be based on your personal style preference and sizing.
Simply select from the options below and choose the frequency that works for you! You can have a new box delivered at any interval that works for your budget and schedule. You have total control of your subscription and at any time you can cancel the orders, pause the orders, skip an order, etc. All items are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee and can easily be returned if something doesn't work perfectly for you.
You will no longer have to "hope" that your size is still in stock. With a subscription to "Royal Threads" you will automatically snag the size you need every time! Subscription styles will vary so that each subscription includes something different than the order before, allowing your wardrobe to be both versatile and classy!
Already have a subscription? Manage it here.
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